Age & Treachery invades California...
- The Pelican Inn, our first stop.
- Bob Winkelmann's place in Muir Beach. Our red rental Neon parked in front, right next to Highway 1. We stayed in the house on the right. That is Golden Gate National Recreation Area up the hills in back.
- Inside the fence, our bedroom on the right. That is a Team Lotus Cortina under the cover.
- The Muir Beach Overlook, looking towards Muir Beach (little inlet) down to San Francisco.
- PJ walking out to the extremeties of the overlook.
- On Sunday we went to San Rafael to find our old familiar bar, the Mayflower Inn, and a new joint, the Broken Drum brewpub.
- Monday to Muir Woods National Monument, and then to Sausalito to the No Name Bar, which contained this plaque.
- Wednesday morning brings this visitor to the house, where Bob Feighner feeds him. We suspect he'll be back.
- Steve McQueen's Baja Boot, with (L to R) Ryan Falconer, Bob Feighner, Art Eastman - in the Falconer Shops, Salinas.
- A line of Falconer V-12 engines, the closest being an airplane application, with an automotive engine behind it.
- Friday had us at the Concorso Italiano, displaying cars such as this Ferrari P3/4.
- Also, a Ferrari F-1 example, probably from 1998.
- A Fiat Balilla.
- The FIAT 100th Anniversary display.
- A Ferrari 250 SWB.
- The Nicholas Cage Lamborghini Miura.
At the Vintage Racecar Journal 1st Anniversary party on Friday, Burt tries to shuck and jive the bartender.
- PJ points to the San Diego Miata Club project car, at the track on Saturday.
The start of group 2A from the corkscrew.
- Hugo and PJ located Alan Hall, the Ford SVT Public Affairs representative, at Ford's SVT display at the track.
In the waiting area of the Baja Cantina on Saturday night. One Two
- The Cadillac powered, Riley & Scott Le Mans car, to re-acquaint the public with Cadillac's racing history - at Pebble Beach.
- The Mercedes future styling project car.
- The fantastic Bentley Hunaudieres supercar.
Saturday evening, John Clinard and Jac Nasser discuss secret Ford strategy with Carmel Bay in the background.
Dennis Hoyt, sculpture artist, at the Automotive Fine Arts Society reception.
A paper sculpture at the AFAS tent.
One of Bruce Wheeler's nifty sculptures at the AFAS tent.
Ol' Carroll Shelby, hisself.
- A Lalique crystal radiator ornament at Pebble Beach.
- Two views of a Miller race car on display at Pebble Beach. One, Two.
- Application of Q-tip necessary to prepare a car for Pebble Beach.
- Another rather frightening Lalique ornament at Pebble Beach.
- Another view of the Pebble Beach Concours.
Is this a Social Statement at Pebble Beach??
A gent from Australia polishes his Pebble Beach entry.
Of course, elegant attire is de rigeur.
- Lawrence Braun's bronze of the Checkered Flag on the starters stand, in the Automotive Fine Arts Society tent at Pebble Beach.
- At the Volvo Hospitality Suite, at Pebble Beach, we catch Dan Gurney, Jac Nasser, and Evi Gurney posing for a photo.
- Tim Considine is enlisted to photograph the group including Evi Gurney, Phil Hill, Phil's daughter, and Dan Gurney.
- Dan Gurney snaps a photo of the photographer.
The family photo, with Hugo Becker, Evi Gurney, Dan Gurney, (standing) Chris Considine, Tim Considine [Alt. title: Spin & Marty go to the Fair]
- To our annual Sunday Cool-Off Lap, VBob brought pickled okra, probably to win a bet.
At the party, L to R, Mike Farley, Woody Woodhouse, Hugo Becker, Robs Lamplough, PJ Beasley-Carlson.
- The morning after, found Wink still at the house, contemplating an early morning visitor.
Tuesday found us in Santa Cruz, where we shortly fell into this building, The Poet & Patriot Pub, hosted by publican Chris Matthews (who looks like Jack Nicholson in "Terms of Endearment").
Inside the joint, a wall of stickers adequately describes the environment. So, we had them add the ATR sticker in an appropriate place.
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