Miata World '99 - Texas, USA

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Joe Garrison takes aim on a drink.
Stage area of the birthday party. Proceedings were video taped and displayed on the big screen live, for ease of viewing. Also shown were several important Mazda commercials produced by the new ad agency.

JTBob Holland, Greg and Fran Bassett, and Art Hamilton celebrate the Miata's 10th Anniversary.
Even Tom Matano gets into the spirit of the party.
Bob Krueger shows off the Texas flag that two members (formerly of SDMC) of Miata Mania chapter in Houston, presented to the San Diego Miata Club.
The winners of the 10th A.M. Miata sit in their prize.
PJ Carlson, Mark Booth, JTBob Holland, Jon Martinez, and Stef Gould, after we retired to the lobby bar after the birthday bash.
Tom Matano joins us, with Barb Shev on his right, Crazy Red behind him, and Stef Gould to his far left.
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All photos shot with Sony DSC-D700 digital camera

Webmaster Dick Carlson © Age & Treachery Racing, Ltd. 1999